HIDO aspires to see healthy and self-reliant society in Ethiopia.
HIDO’s Mission is to build the capacity, confidence and efficacy of marginalized and vulnerable sections of the society focusing mainly on vulnerable women, children, and youth through participatory, inclusive, and integrated program interventions to achieve immediate as well as lasting impact in their lives
Transparency: HIDO is committed to be open in all its operations, decisions, and actions to its stakeholders including target beneficiaries. Accountability: HIDO takes full responsibility for its actions. Empathy: HIDO remains dedicated to serve target beneficiaries and the community by being compassionate and understanding their situations. Integrity: HIDO always acts truthfully and honestly. Ethical Professionalism: HIDO undertakes its duties with a sense of high ethics and professionalism. Partnership: HIDO always cooperates with stakeholders relevant to its mission. Participation: HIDO ensures participation of the target community/target groups and stakeholders in all its interventions. Impartiality: HIDO treats everybody equally without being judgmental to the backgrounds of its service users.
Quality Service: HIDO always strives for excellence in program implementation and is committed to render quality services. Inclusiveness: HIDO always makes sure that no one is left behind. Voluntarism: HIDO encourages volunteerism and takes volunteerism as the backbone for its existence i.e. serving vulnerable community members without expecting much in return.
Overarching Organizational Goal
To improve the lives of target groups and communities through empowering them, tackling poverty, and addressing barriers to their wellbeing.
Strategic Goal 1:
To ensure the proper development and well-being of children and youth through ensuring access to integrated and inclusive services.
Strategic Goal 2:
To ensure vulnerable children and youth have access to quality education to support them build better future.
Strategic Goal 3:
To contribute to the national goal of tackling health problems, preventing HIV/AIDS and other communicable and non-communicable diseases and improving the health status of chronically ill patients through ensuring access to integrated health care services.
Strategic Goal 4:
To improve the livelihood of unemployed youth and women through viable livelihood and economic strengthening interventions.
Strategic Goal 5:
To contribute to the protection of human rights, and ensure gender equality and social inclusion.
“Committed to empower & transform communities, and positively change the lives of people in need”.