Human Rights, Gender and Social Inclusion Program

The goal of this program is to contribute to the protection of human rights and ensure gender equality and social inclusion.

Major Interventions under this Program

  • Capacity building of government structures on the concepts and practices of human rights and good governance.
  • Lobbying and advocacy to ensure human rights are protected and basic human rights conventions endorsed by the country are adhered to at all levels; particularly at the operational level.
  • Sensitizing the community on basic human rights concepts and principles so as to enable community members’ demand /seek it from concerned bodies.
  • Designing and leading initiatives that promote human rights and good governance to show how the issues are linked with growth and community development.
  • Community mobilization on gender equality and social inclusion issues through community-wide events and dialogue sessions to create the necessary awareness.
  • Capacity building of community leaders on gender sensitivity and social inclusion to enable them to become change agents in their community to achieve gender equality and social inclusion.
  • Protecting women and girls from all forms of violence.
  • Supporting schools, and facilities that provide health and social services to be accessible for persons with disability through fulfilling the necessary disability accessibility requirements.
  • Capacity building of public service providers to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, accessibility, responsiveness, and accountability of basic social services.
  • Supporting community based structures in the intervention areas to enable them own and sustain interventions on gender equality and social inclusion.

“Committed to empower & transform communities, and positively change the lives of people in need”.